January 30, 2010


God is so good!!! We are so excited Landon was able to get his tubes because he seems to feel much better! The surgery went great. He was such a big hit with the ladies at the hospital... :o) He is turning out to be a pretty big flirt! haha

We arrived at Herman Memorial @ the Woodlands about 6:40 friday morning. They had asked us not to feed Landon after midnight the night b/f because of reflux reasons during surgery. I have to say he did awesome, considering he wasn't able to eat for hours. They took him into surgery about 9 and literally by 9:10 he was done!!! Super quick. The doctor said both of his ears were completely full of puss. Very gross, I know, but we are very glad he was able to clean them out. In recovery, he screamed for about 10 minutes. We were able to feed him a bottle and it calmed him down pretty quickly. After about 30 minutes in recovery, we were headed back home.

Today is day two and he seems like he is going into a much deeper sleep than he has reached before. In turn, he seems much happier...so far! We are very anxious to see how the next couple of weeks go.

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