October 27, 2009

Little Landon

Yesterday was not a good day for little Landon.  He woke up Monday morning not acting like himself.  He was not sleeping or taking his bottle well at all.  Thank goodness for daddy, because he is the one who thought Landon should go to the doctor.  Come to find out, Landon has two ear infections and is very congested.  I am so glad we decided to go to the doc.  You can tell he is in a lot of pain, because he cries when he takes his bottle.  This morning when he woke up, he seemed to be a little more happy.  Hopefully the medicine will continue to make him feel better.  For now, all he is doing is sleeping.  Poor thing can't breathe at all.  Keep him in your prayers!

On the bright side, Landon now weighs 12 lbs 3 oz!!!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, Landon is so precious. Our twins had conjestion too at a young age and we had to give them breathing treatments. We have the machine if you ever need it. You just gotta love the Texas air. Miss you! Marion
